Observing Syllables
Hebrew word |
In Hebrew and English Transliteration:
The vowels are in red, the consonants are in blue.
The main objectives of this page:
- To observe letters and their English equivalents
- To observe vowels and their English equivalents
- To observe syllables in Hebrew and the English equivalents.
- To listen to their sound.
- To read the English syllables and to try to remember the Hebrew equivalent.
- The arrows indicate the direction of the reading.
- Start the English with the right box and read from left to right inside the box.
The arrows indicate the direction of the reading.
Start the English with the right box and read from left to right inside the box.

Read right to left
 Adonai |
1.- A word deserves special notice:
The Hebrew word for "O Lord" is Adonai
( block No. 3 ). The prayer book uses the symbol sign

as a substitution for the holy name.
In the Bible it is spelled

2.- A letter deserves special notice: 
For the last letter
=chaf in words No.1
=Baruch and,
No. 5
=Melech there is not English equivalent.
Click on the Hebrew word to listen to the sound.